Inter-Cultur / Development Cooperation / Nicaragua / "Suma y multiplica": empowerment of rural women in the Pacific Area of Nicaragua

"Suma y multiplica": empowerment of rural women in the Pacific Area of Nicaragua

2021 – 2022

247 265 €


Through the
↑ Through the "Suma y multiplica" initiative, Inter-Cultur has been able to help women living in some of the most vulnerable areas around the capital city. In addition to lifting people out of poverty, Inter-Cultur and ANDECU have realized the dreams of many women who have found meaning through their work and being able to support their families.
Quality education (SDG 4)Gender equality (SDG 5)Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8)

Advancing Women's Livelihoods through Vocational Education

Inter-Cultur, in partnership with ANDECU, implemented a vocational training program aimed at addressing the economic vulnerability of women in Nicaragua. The program provided training in sewing and tailoring, catering and food service, and beauty services, and promoted entrepreneurship, particularly self-employment and home-based businesses. This initiative aimed to tackle the high poverty rates and gender gap in labor force participation by equipping women with essential tools, skills, and support, thereby breaking the cycle of poverty and improving living standards for women and their families.

The program made significant strides in empowering women and increasing their income levels. It engaged 500 women in productive activities, fostered the creation of decent jobs, and enhanced entrepreneurship. Participants reported significant income growth, with many experiencing at least a 10% increase in monthly sales. The project also emphasized personal finance management, motivating 90% of participants to maintain financial records for their households and businesses.

Entrepreneurial fairs conducted during the program provided valuable exposure, with 30% of participants successfully raising brand awareness and generating profits. Citizenship workshops positively impacted the confidence and self-esteem of the entrepreneurs, enabling them to embrace new challenges. Additionally, the project enhanced the resilience and emotional recovery capacity of ANDECU graduates.

This project has been funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Key Achievements and Outcomes:

  • Improved financial, productive, and administrative knowledge of 240 women microentrepreneurs.
  • Enhanced business management strategies and life skills for 160 microentrepreneurs, enabling sustainable income generation.
  • Provided individual advice to 160 businesswomen, with at least 75% maintaining some type of accounting record for their businesses.
  • Developed improvement plans for 160 micro-businesswomen, with at least half accessing new markets.

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Nicaragua, with its dramatic volcanic landscape, faces social unrest and economic difficulties. Our work with ANDECU supports women by investing in vocational training centers and micro-business resources, empowering them to improve their income levels and overcome challenges in their families and communities.


Uganda, known for its diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage, faces socio-economic disparities and gender inequality impacting vocational education access. Partnering with COWA, we provide women and youth with vocational training and technological empowerment to boost employment opportunities and economic independence, promoting gender equality and sustainable development.