Inter-Cultur / Development Cooperation / Lebanon / New Citizens: employability program for young women in Lebanon

New Citizens: employability program for young women in Lebanon

2019 – 2020

152 940 €

Women and youth

In Lebanon, there is an over-saturation of employees in certain fields while others are suffering from a lack of capable people. This has led to a massive migration away from the country. Through the career orientation, Inter-Cultur's project helps solve this problem.
↑ In Lebanon, there is an over-saturation of employees in certain fields while others are suffering from a lack of capable people. This has led to a massive migration away from the country. Through the career orientation, Inter-Cultur's project helps solve this problem.
Quality education (SDG 4)Gender equality (SDG 5)

Supporting Employability in Lebanon

Migration in Lebanon has been a growing problem in the 21st century. Only 20% of graduates find a job in Lebanon. This is due to the oversaturation in academic professions while other professions are neglected. This is especially true in women-dominated fields, such as nursing, hospitality, tourism, pedagogy, etc. despite the increased demand.

The project contributed to the overall objective of reducing the strong trend of migration of Lebanese. We can see how meaningful the project is in the actual crisis. A large number of students, school staff, and parents were oriented toward careers with higher demand in the labor market. The modular training program contributed to orienting youth towards careers that respond to rural development. In addition, the project offered the parents training to better orient their children and respect their career choices. 

As for the empowerment of youth enabling them to become active citizens and social entrepreneurs, the project contributed by giving a large awareness in schools, local associations, and youth groups. The trainings delivered, the volunteering hours done and the implementation of the social actions have given the youth an opening towards being part of the solution rather than seeing migration as the only way out. We may see how they became active citizens and got motivated towards social entrepreneurship, being that they received tools to respond to society's problems.

This project has been funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Key Achievements and Outcomes:

  • The orientation program raised awareness among adults and youth toward job offers. The exposure to technical careers as well as careers that respond to rural development has been achieved. 
  • Increased interest in technical careers with high demand by 60 %. 
  • Provided the women with new skills enabling them to make a better career selection as well as be equipped for their future lives. 
  • Motivated youth towards social entrepreneurship changing from a passive attitude of indifference towards social problems, to a proactive approach seeing themselves as being part of the solution.

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