Project monitoring and evaluation

Project monitoring is key to finding out if the project runs on schedule and if the activities have been implemented as planned. In addition, a well-executed monitoring guarantees that the timeline has been followed and the budget hasn't been spent before its time. Timely monitoring also helps the project management team to respond to any risks that have materialized and take actions to make changes in the project to still achieve the target objectives.
Evaluating social projects, on the other hand, is a critical process that involves assessing the effectiveness, efficiency, and overall impact of an intervention. This evaluation typically includes insights into the project's implementation and outcomes. By employing a variety of methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and quantitative data analysis, Inter-Cultur can gather comprehensive information about how well the project meets its objectives. Effective evaluation not only ensures accountability to stakeholders and funders but also facilitates learning and adaptation, enabling the continuous improvement of strategies and practices. Ultimately, thorough evaluation helps to ensure that social projects deliver meaningful and lasting benefits to the communities they aim to serve.